PR Strategy | Emotional Branding Design™ | Media Platform Expansion | Content Development

Public Relations is About Movement
I'm Anne Leedom and I'd like to share something with you...
The world today is moving faster than ever before. Media has changed. New platforms, social media, digital marketing.... there is so much to learn and to utilize to leverage exposure.
Two things have not changed. In fact, they are more important than ever. Crediblity and Consistency.
Social media provides a powerful way to consistently be exposed to audiences. Being positioned as a trusted resource requires a more specialized kind of audience connection.
Ongoing Featured Contributor Placement. Emotional Branding Design™ to enhance messaging, connection and conversion.
In-depth media placements with content that connects, feature interviews and innovative placements that include strategic links to support products and services. Positioning is far more effective than publicity alone.
View our Impact Gallery here.
This is the difference between exposure, hoping it catches fire, and PR, which provides a well designed strategy to greatly increase the chances for longevity. It's a bit like food..quality vs quantity. Strategy vs random exposure.
Ask yourself what you are looking for. A quick burst of short term publicity to draw attention to something that will then quickly sell itself?
Or, are you looking to create impact moment with a credible global media platform with audiences that trust you over time, based on a consistent flow of resources and connection?
Attract the premier opportunities my clients seek. Book deals, speaking events, higher Google rankings, corporate spokesperson events, and selling services all increase when you build trust with your targeted audiences. Locally, regional and globally.
Significant media platforms take time to build. Content that connects meaningfully takes time to develop. Prominent media outlets that support you fully are relationships established over time. Innovative placements with targeted audiences connect.
We live in a world offering quick fixes and instant results. That option is available, but only for a moment... typically for a single product or service... based on impulse-buy marketing strategies.
We position you long-term in front of millions of targeted audiences. Be known as a strategic, heart-centered thought leader offering solutions resulting in authentic impact that people trust.
Technology, Family, Business, Wellness, Spirituality, Lifestyle, Relationships, Digital Trends and Currency and More...
Review our 2025 Q1 Packages here.
Q1 placements heavily in demand - Digital Currency, Tech Living, Spirituality, Wellness.
The most important decision you can make is to build your media platform before your books, products or services are available.
Prepare... Don't launch to an empty platform.
Movement begins long before your book, products or services are available.
Move Your Brand from
"As Seen On...." to the credibility of a
"Featured Ongoing Contributor."
Science backed.
Audience proven.
Emotional Branding Design™ is Your Conversion/ROI Bridge.
Your Emotional Branding Messaging Matrix is your path to clarity.
Provide the connection between your message and your audience's hearts and minds
Trust + Buzz... The Leedom PR Solution.
Kind Words.

Wherever are you in your path to expanding your media platform, we have you covered.
Strateg y Solutions.

Learning is the first step. Consulting, Emotional Branding and select prestige placements move you forward to establish crediblity and media presence globally.
Structure your authority impact.

Your PR foundation is solid. Shift to expand your audiences and overall media platform with increased media placements, online and/or TV. National, regional and local.
Build your authority impact.

Focus on key media outlets, and ongoing and consistent online exposure to impact the conversations on hot topics and the latest trends.
Manage your authority impact.